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PyFLOWGO is an updated version of FLOWGO written in Python 3. FLOWGO was created by Harris and Rowland (2001).


load the conda environment Py3k

[user@elja-irhpc ~]$ module use /hpcapps/lib-edda/modules/all/Core   # Use module lib-edda/Core 
[user@elja-irhpc ~]$ module use /hpcapps/lib-tools/modules/all # Use module lib-tools
[user@elja-irhpc ~]$ module load Py3k # loading Py3k
[user@elja-irhpc ~]$ conda activate $env_path # activating the conda environment for pyflowgo

To deactivate the Py3k environment simply type conda deactivate

Gather PyFlowGo Directory

[user@elja-irhpc ~]$ cp /hpcapps/ArchiveVault/PyFlowGo/1.1.2/v1.1.2.tar.gz path/to/copy/tar/file #Copying the tar file to specified location
[user@elja-irhpc ~]$ cd path/to/copy/tar/file # Navigate to the path where you placed the tar file
[user@elja-irhpc ~]$ tar -xvf v1.1.2.tar.gz # extracting compressed data in the tar file

[user@elja-irhpc ~]$ cd pyflowgo-1.1.2 # entering the pyflowgo directory

[user@elja-irhpc ~]$ ls #view pyflowgo-1.1.2 directory
'Chevrel et al. 2018a_Pyflowgo_pre-print.pdf' main_flowgo.py __pycache__ results_flowgo
COPYING.gpl3 main_plot_flowgo_results.py pyflowgo run_flowgo_effusion_rate_array.py
COPYING.lgpl3 main_plot_results_field_data.py PyFLOWGO_for_dummies.pdf run_flowgo.py
downflow.py main_run_flowgo.py README.md run_outs.py
LICENSE MaunaUlu74 requirements.txt tests
main_downflowgo.py plot_flowgo_results.py resource Venus

User Manual

Guide on how to use PyFlowGo can be found on their git website here