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Visualization on computational nodes

X11 forwarding is available on the compute and GPU nodes of Elja. To use this feature a few steps must be taken to create a "double tunnel" that looks something like this

compute-node -> login-node -> local-machine
  1. First you must connect with the -XY as stated in previous chapters or using XLaunch with PuTTy.
  2. Using srun allocate and connect to a compute node with the x11 flag set.
srun -n 1 --partition 48cpu_192mem --x11 --pty bash 

You should now be connected to a compute node. Given that you have loaded some GUI program you will be able to run that on the compute node.


For this example a user will run the graphical program QGIS(an Open-Source Geographic information system).

[user ~] ssh -XY
[user@elja-irhpc ~]$ ml load QGIS
[user@elja-irhpc ~]$ srun -n 1 --partition gpu-1xA100 --x11 --pty bash
[user@gpu-2 ~]$ qgis # QGIS now opens up on my local machine