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The Mimir cluster consists of 10 compute-nodes divided into two partitions. The partitions are mimir and himem-mimir, where the mimir partition consits of in total 9 compute nodes and the himem-mimir partition only 1. The Mimir cluster is generally used for research related to the life sciences that don't require a lot of compute-power but instead require a lot of RAM usage . If that matches your requirements you can send a formal appplication to

More information on the formal application can be found in the Etiquette chapter.

The himem-mimir stands for HIgh MEMory mimir partition. This partition provides a compute node that can compute jobs that require high memory usage.

Hardware Specification

In total the the Mimir partition has 256 cores and 960 GB of Memory available 4 x standard compute nodes and 1 x gpu node:

CountNameCores/NodeMemory/Node (Gib)Features
9mimir64 (2x32)256 (252)Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8358
1mimir-himem64 (2x32)2048 (2044)Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8358

More information can be found in the specs chapter and the partitions chapter

Request Access

You can find all information on Requesting access to the Mimir partition in the Etiquette chapter.

Here are recommended chapters to help you get started on using Mimir